Monthly Archives: September 2013

The Steady State Economy

I recently heard John Key speak to a gathering of Chamber of Commerce people plus other Dunedin employers (education sector). He was giving us a very positive message about the health of the economy and how it was  beginning to grow again. Economic growth was going to be our future and our saviour. More jobs would flow from drilling oil and gas just off our coast. No mention of the greenhouse gas emissions this would ultimately lead to of course.

Here is an article about an alternative to “Growth” which is worth reading: The Benefits of Steady State Economy



Instruction videos on embedding Literacy & Numeracy

The embedded literacy and numeracy process 

The embedded literacy and numeracy process is designed to facilitate successful learning environments for learners who may otherwise have difficulty with the literacy or numeracy demands of their programme or target vocation. This workshop explored how the embedded literacy process is informed by learners’ results with the Assessment Tool. Through the careful mapping of demands, the Assessment Tool informs educators and learners as to specific areas that require development. This allows educators to scaffold demanding tasks to ensure positive learning experiences for learners and to priorities key areas of literacy or numeracy to develop. Link to video

Developing a teaching and learning sequence

Using Assessment Tool results to guide the development of a teaching and learning sequence Lynette Winter.

Link to video

Analysing  numeracy questions

Analysing the numeracy questions from the Assessment Tool provides rich information for knowing the learner -Lynette Winter. Link to Video

Monitoring progress for reading comprehension

Progress in decoding skills is relatively quick and is easily checked. Reading comprehension skills take longer but progress can be seen through increased engagement with the reading texts and also by learners transferring their reading skills to new texts -Dr Sue Dymock. Link to video

What information is immediately and easily accessible from Assessment Tool reports

The webinar includes a case study using a Youth Guarantees group of learners of what information is immediately and easily accessible from Assessment Tool reports, and what information can be gleaned from ‘digging deeper’. It looks at how the Assessment Tool results compare with a more contextualised formative numeracy assessment given to the same group of learners, and what it might mean for educators. Link to video